I was sharing at a meeting this week about relationships. Some really interesting things come up for me. I realized that I often get out of them what I am willing to invest. I also realized that often a current relationship brings with it the baggage from the past.
In looking at how I can live a clean and current life, I found that I needed to ask myself about my past relationships. Starting with my parents. Like it or not this is where I learned how to love, evaluate, view the world. Understanding that allows me today to shift my thinking if I choose too. I heard this saying once simple put “I can’t see where I am going until I look at where I have been.”
How many times in my life have I moved to fix a problem, situation? Only to find out once there the theme is repeated. Why is that? Location changed, I remained the same. A friend of mine says “anywhere you move there you are.”
How many times have I traveled the same road and expected it to somehow be different. How many times have I entered into relationships without expectation, if I am really honest with myself never? Some years ago when living in AL I started a new friendship this one was very different. In the beginning of the friendship we sat down and talked with each other about our expectations. What was I willing to invest, what did I bring to the table?
I find that when I take the time to do this I don’t have all of those questions. Where is this going? What do they want from me? What is going to happen once they really get to know me?
I also find with I don’t do this, that I spend a great deal of time thinking, where is this going? What do they want from me, rather than being current and in the present moment.
Life really is after all one big dress rehearsal.
I love you