Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I love you just the way you are!!!!!

Good Morning Family

What would I want you to know if I could only tell you one thing? Love is the answer to every question you have in life. How many time has it been the most important thing that you see my way, think like I think, or do it my way? Who cares how it gets done as long as you know that I love you and you love me? Who cares if the dishes get washed tonight, I would rather spend time talking with you, and loving you. One of the best questions I am learning to ask myself is, if this were the last thing I get to do with this person what do I want it to be? Was it more important that I wash the dished, or that I spent time loving you? I chose loving you.

Every second of our day we spend making choices, and we live in a world that is so driven by things, money, possession. So often I find that I want to possess people as well. Why do I say that? How many times in my life has it been the most important thing that I was RIGHT? What is that all about? Is there only one path to anything in life? Is there only one way to the supermarket, to the mall, to church, to a loving relationship with God? Am I so busy working on you, because I would rather do that than work on me?

There is within each of us a FEELING, a connection to God and Source that leads us. I know for me today when I am not connected to that, and I don’t make that the focus of my day-to-day life I get out of balance. When I am out of balance it usually when I need to be right about something in my life. I am learning today that I know the answers that are right for me. I just have to take the time to check in and ask myself. A really good indicator that I am off track is when I am in judgment of something you are doing.

How many times has being right kept me from the Love I knew I was supposed to give? How many times would I not talk to you because I was standing in RIGHTNESS about some issue, some injustice. Who was winning here? I have the answer it is within me. If I just take the time to find out. However you arrive at it is up to you. How ever long it takes you to find what you are looking for is up to you. I know today that when I am jealous of you, or something you have that is really has nothing to do with you. It has to do with my relationship with my self and my source. You are just holding up a mirror for me to see how I am treating myself.

When I get mad with you about something it is usually very small in the big scheme of life, however it doesn’t feel that way at the time. What I really need to do is sit down with my self and get it touch with what is going on with me? I find that there is usually somewhere I am not giving to myself what I need. It is just so much easier to put the blame elsewhere. History is an important thing I feel, cause when I look back at all those times I needed to be right, wish the dishes, a month later all I really remember is I missed the time to tell you that I love you. What if that was the last thing I got to share with you? Is that what I want you to remember me for? One of the best things I have learned in living is take the time to breathe. Just stop what I am doing and take a breath in and think about if this was the last thing I ever said to you, is this how I would want to be remembered?

Some of my friends ask me why are I always talking about Love? I usually say that is my purpose here. I want to be a peace with myself, and I know that I can have fun with you and laugh with you, but when it is all said and done I want you to always know that I love you more than anything. If I am love all the time, then I ask what else can come back to me? I spent most of my life living in judgment about what you were doing so just what come back to me? If I want love I need to be love. If I want peace I need to be peace.

I love you just the way you are. Find your way to love. Who cares what anyone things about how you look doing it. At the end of the day, you know that you have loved that day. I will ask you what is more important?

Thank you, for being you. I LOVE YOU just the way you are.

Allen Mosley

Friday, November 2, 2007



Each day I am given is a present from God. One of the many gifts that have come out of the last year is celebrate today. I am alive, I can LOVE,and I can see what I want to see. I woke up yesterday morning and I really have cause to think about just that. Celebrating life.

I was thinking about a request I had made in a prayer that I would be debt free. After talking to a very wise friend of mine she suggested that I choose different wording. Financial freedom was her suggestion, and I love it. Thank you Trev. I begin to think about what that means to me? As many of you may know I have been out on disability for over a year now, and I had worked very hard to clean up and clear up my credit. When I found out about the "Tant so" cancer I was very fearful to say the least. Not about the illness so much, but about how I was going to live and support myself.

I had years ago filed bankruptcy, and did not want to do that again. I had forgotten my prayer for financial freedom, or was choosing at the time to look at LIFE. I remember stopping at some point when I knew that I was going to have to move from CA and just surrendered. God I don't know what is going to come from all of this, but I do know it is for my GOOD!!!

I have to be honest I had put my focus on things,lifestyle,credit,status more than loving. I see today where I was blocking my good. I had worked hard to clean up my credit, and had done a great job. Yet I had some old hospital bills that were haunting me. I wanted to be free of that, yet how could I will all the bills I was paying in CA? I am reminded of a wonderful saying Rev. E has "God is always working behind my back for my good."

I realized yesterday morning that God through the course of this year had blessed me to clean up and clear up those old bills. This had been something I had wanted for over five years. I realized yesterday morning that I had NOT celebrated it. I realized that so many times in life that I ask for something and it is given. I forget to say thank you in the form of celebration. I am alive today. Celebrate!!!!!! I am financial free today. Celebrate!!!!!! I am clean, clear, and very much ready for the next blessing that comes my way. Celebrate!!!!!!

One of my favorite passages in the bible is Malachi 3:10 which ends in see if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.

Each day I am alive is such a blessing, today I want to celebrate and say Thank you.

I love you