Friday, November 2, 2007



Each day I am given is a present from God. One of the many gifts that have come out of the last year is celebrate today. I am alive, I can LOVE,and I can see what I want to see. I woke up yesterday morning and I really have cause to think about just that. Celebrating life.

I was thinking about a request I had made in a prayer that I would be debt free. After talking to a very wise friend of mine she suggested that I choose different wording. Financial freedom was her suggestion, and I love it. Thank you Trev. I begin to think about what that means to me? As many of you may know I have been out on disability for over a year now, and I had worked very hard to clean up and clear up my credit. When I found out about the "Tant so" cancer I was very fearful to say the least. Not about the illness so much, but about how I was going to live and support myself.

I had years ago filed bankruptcy, and did not want to do that again. I had forgotten my prayer for financial freedom, or was choosing at the time to look at LIFE. I remember stopping at some point when I knew that I was going to have to move from CA and just surrendered. God I don't know what is going to come from all of this, but I do know it is for my GOOD!!!

I have to be honest I had put my focus on things,lifestyle,credit,status more than loving. I see today where I was blocking my good. I had worked hard to clean up my credit, and had done a great job. Yet I had some old hospital bills that were haunting me. I wanted to be free of that, yet how could I will all the bills I was paying in CA? I am reminded of a wonderful saying Rev. E has "God is always working behind my back for my good."

I realized yesterday morning that God through the course of this year had blessed me to clean up and clear up those old bills. This had been something I had wanted for over five years. I realized yesterday morning that I had NOT celebrated it. I realized that so many times in life that I ask for something and it is given. I forget to say thank you in the form of celebration. I am alive today. Celebrate!!!!!! I am financial free today. Celebrate!!!!!! I am clean, clear, and very much ready for the next blessing that comes my way. Celebrate!!!!!!

One of my favorite passages in the bible is Malachi 3:10 which ends in see if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.

Each day I am alive is such a blessing, today I want to celebrate and say Thank you.

I love you

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