What does honesty really mean today? I have been thinking a great deal about how easy it is to tell someone what I think they want to hear rather than what is really in my heart. I am a true believer in speaking things as thought they are. I am also a believer in speaking what I want into being as well.
Where does that leave us with honesty?
How many times in my life has a friend talked about something in their lives and I have told them what I think they want to hear. There was a time in my life when my friends and family talked to me because they knew I would be honest and upfront with them. It didn’t mean that I was right and they were wrong it just meant that I was willing to be honest about what I was feeling as I listened to them.
I have been reading about intentional listening. I think it is of equal importance to be an intentional speaker as well. Mean what I say and say what I mean. I am reminded of something my Mom told me years ago. Honey, I can’t hear a thing you are saying, because you actions are speaking so much louder. Is that still true today?
I would rather hear from a friend who is really hurt with me, their true feelings rather than find out third hand from someone else about their true hurt. I have found myself in that situation now, not only do I have to deal with the original hurt, I have to also deal with the fact I choose not to be honest about it.
Don’t get me wrong it takes great courage to tell someone you are hurting and not go into blame. It also takes and open mind to hear that something you may have done has in someone hurt someone you love very much. It is some much easier to deal with, when honesty and love is my intention.
To each of you, I live the intention to be honest, and loving in my listening, and speaking with each of you.
I love you