Why do you think it is, we dislike change so much?
I can say for myself, it is usually fear of the unknown. I was talking with a friend the other day about relationships and how they change. When they do most often we feel pain. Why is this happening to me, what did I do to deserve this?
I am finding when I can remove my personal feelings and realize that it has nothing to do with me, I am better able to glean what is best for me. I forget this lesson from time to time and then am reminded at the next opportunity for change.
I am responsible for my happiness and no one else s. To many times in my short life I have spend more time doing what ever I could to make you happy, only to find that I was more unhappy than you. One of my favorite people told me once "Honey you can't give water out of an empty well."
How true is that. One of my favorite passages out of a book I read is the greatest gift I can give anyone is to be happy. Today I know when I do that, I give you permission to do the same.
To put it yet another way "I can't breathe for you." I love that line.
Celebrate your success today, the first one might be your took a breathe for you today. Another might be when you looked someone in the eye and said hello, I love you, or just have a nice day. Success is best measure in LOVE, not wealth.
Love today and start with yourself. Change is inevitable, suffering is optional.