What would happen if I just experienced NOW?
How many times have I said it doesn’t matter, knowing that I want every detail of every minute placed on my desk with a full itinerary all laid out. What would happen if I didn’t make the bed today? Would the bed fall apart? Would the fashion police come by and arrest me? Would the anxiety drive me crazy until I did it in need of order in my life?
All of this may seem like some crazy way too look at things, however I lived my life this way for over 40 years. I would say I didn’t want to know what we were going to do, and yet I would then set up to plan, organize, and full the free time with things to do, places to go and site to see. What would actually happen if I just enjoyed the now?
Have you ever had a friend give you a gift on a day when you least expected it? I would sit there with this item in front of me with excitement, joy, wonder, and the pleasure of not knowing what is it? Yet with each new day I would wake up and want God’s cliff notes on what the day held in store for me. I mean really what would happen if I just decided to wake up and be happy.
I am sitting in traffic thinking about all the things I could, would, should be doing; or could this be an invitation from God to take the next exit and explore life? Live in the now, the plan will always be there waiting for me to pick it up when I am ready. All my life I have had the plan for my life and to be honest yours as well.
I am so excited about a trip I am taking in a couple weeks with a very dear friend of mine. We chose to build in safety things like a place to stay and transportation while there. However for the first time in my life I am choosing to not over plan the trip. Over the last year when I would travel I have started a new game, what is the least amount of items I can take with me? This may not make any sense to some of you and total sense to others.
In the past I would plan a trip and any possible activity to the letter including the perfect shoes and outfit for the day. (Sometimes more than one costume change too) only to find that I didn’t wear a quarter of what I had packed, carried, worried about losing, on the entire trip. Not to mention the worry about it being stolen from the room while I was out seeing the sites. How many other times was I lugging around things in my life not enjoying this moment?
Where was the joy, the pleasure of a new adventure? I had planned it all away. On one of my last trips I took 2 pair of jeans and 5 shirts for 15-day trip to visit my family. I wore only one pair for jeans and 3 of the shirts. Somehow I had clean clothes everyday. I enjoyed the now. It was one of the best trips I have ever taken in my life. I realized on that journey that I often choose to over plan my life. I had more fun playing with my friends and family rather than worrying about did the airline lose my steamer trunk of shoes?
I love order, and I love the gift to organize that I have. I also want to enjoy the present gift that I just received from God. Today, this moment is a present, and what is it? What could it hold inside, how wonderful of God to think of me today. I think I will open it and enjoy the now.
I love you
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