How Fit am I?
This morning meditation gave birth to the thought about Spiritual Fitness. Over the last few months I have put on a few extra pounds, as I have not been as active as I once was. As I begin to give thought to becoming more active, to exercise more and get into a routine that feels better for me, I had a new thought. How do I notice when I am not in top spiritual fitness?
I begin to notice my physical fitness when my clothing is tighter than usual, or that I feel fatigued when walking up a flight of stairs. Or perhaps my doctor has told me that my blood pressure is up, or my sugar levels are higher than normal. Or perhaps I have looked in the mirror and been honest with myself. Then I asked what are the signs of needing more spiritual fitness? What are the signs that tell me that I have excess weight spiritually or mentally?
I was chatting with a friend on the computer this morning that is a morning person as well and they asked me why aren’t you meditating? I stated that I wasn’t there yet, I did my devotion readings, and exercise on abundance, then meditation, followed by my morning prayer with my prayer partner. An Ah Hah moment shall we say. I begin to realize that I had a spiritual fitness program in place.
I have to be honest I have most of my life put the focus on being physically fit, after all that is what I show to the out side world. Over the last few years I have changed my routine to going to the gym in the morning before work. My thought process was that if I started with myself that what fell off my plate at the end of the day was something other than me. Again this is my routine.
It wasn’t until cancer that I begin to think about my spiritual fitness. I begin to think of what I had in place to help me through this journey? It was at that time that I put my Spiritual exercise into place. Today I find myself seeking balance, and looking for the signs that might suggest that I need to focus on one area more.
Since starting this spiritual fitness program, I ask myself what is the first thing I think of when I wake up? What do I do when I find myself surrounded by gossip? How do I react to someone cutting me off in traffic? Am I feeling excluded, or included? What am I reading? What am I looking at on TV?
I find that the world we live in is very ready to tell us when we need to check in on physical fitness and the signs that you are not taking care of yourself physically. I am reminded of what one of my friends said I am only taking applications from folks who are taking care of themselves. I no longer have the need to fix others. Today I am seeking the balance with where I am spiritually in my fitness as well.
I love you
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