January 10-24, 2007
1/10/07 (Email to Family)
Hello Wonderful Family;
Allen here, wanted to take some time to tell you, I love you and thank you for all your prayers and treatments over the last while. I feel the love and support in my very BONES.
Yesterday was one GREAT day, I had a colon check up yesterday before I start the Chemotherapy today, and a HUGH PRAISE all is clear and no need to check again for 5 years. This is great news. I can honestly say that the prep work was the hardest part of the process.
I have been blessed over the last few months to have Angels with me in the Flesh watching over me. This week it is in the form of MY ERNEST. Last night he made me Salmon Patties, Cheese Grits and Shrimp for Dinner. NOT to mention the BEST home made CHEESE Cake a man could hope to have.
Thank you for the HOME cooked meal and Your presents. I love you!!!!
Those of you who know me, know that I can at time be a bit Particular about things. Not to mention my journey with letting love in. I am reminded of the song the Mass Choir sings We let the LOVE wash over us, We let, We let it be. I feel the love of God with each and every person in my life. I feel that ONENESS that we so often talk about, and I wanted to say a BIG HUGH THANK YOU to all my ANGELS.
From the trips to the Dr. Office, Surgery, Meals, HUGS, Prayer, Treatments, VISITS from out of town friends, and over all LOVE. This is a blessed experience. Thank you God for the Joy of Choice and how I choose to look at Life.
Today is Chemotherapy day, my choice for the day is to allow the love of GOD in!! I get to receive the Love of God from each Technician that touches me, Every Drop of Chemotherapy that enters my body. The Joy of have my family with me today, some in Spirit, some in FLESH, and ALL in PRAYER.
I love each and every one of you, and I know who you are. I Thank God for you! And so it is.
Your Brother, and Friend
1/11/07 (Family Email)
Good morning my wonderful family;
I am so very blessed, Ernest and I met a great many faces of GOD yesterday. The best part is we both felt the love from everyone and everywhere. We starting in the Billing office and that when really well. Then the woman who checks my Blood Count each week is a Total HOOT. I love her Spirit.
Then off to see Dr. Knopf, who went over what all was going to happen yesterday and answer any questions that I or Ernest had. Then off for the Infusion of Chemotherapy.
On Sunday while at church, I felt spirit speak to me and tell me that as I am taking the Chemotherapy I am to look at it and say "I allow the Healing Love of God in." That is just what I did all day yesterday. The Nurses and staff were very please with my Infusion. We started at 10:30 and I finished last night at 5:00, we had more God stuff to pick up from the Pharmacy. Ernest and I were home by 6:30.
I was able to eat a turkey sandwich yesterday and one of the staff had made COOKIES, you know how I hate those. So I had one Cookie as well. Last night I was able to have another sandwich then off to bed to rest.
I wanted to write all of you today and tell you that I felt every DROP of LOVE that you sent yesterday going into my veins. I know that GOD sent each and every one of you into my life, and I am so grateful. I am happy to be sitting up and able to write this email this morning. GOD IS A GOOD GOD ALL THE TIME!!!!!!
I am off to get some rest but wanted each of you to know How much I love you and thank you for your thoughts and prayers.
Love your Brother and Friend
1/12/07 (Personal Journal)
I thought I would check in to talk about the last week of events. Ernest got here on Sunday of last week and it is so good to have him here. I have felt so safe knowing he is here to go to Chemotherapy with me. Sunday when he got here we went shopping and he bought me this really cool suit. I wanted him to have a ring of mine like I did with Richard. These two are the most amazing friends a man can hope to have.
On Monday, I had to do the prep for the colon check which showed that I was in great shape there and no need for another check up for 5 years. Thank God. The prep work was the worst part of the process. Mark came by to see me as well. It was so good to see him. I am one blessed man when it comes to friends. Over the last year I have really looked at the love and friendship I have in my life. Thank you God for all the great friends that bring such joy, and love into my life.
Tuesday was the Colon day and then Ernest, Shawn and I had Dinner together, which was really great. We had grits, Shrimp and Salmon patties. They were GREAT. Thank you Ern.
Wednesday got up and had a big breakfast before heading off to the Dr. for Chemotherapy. First day was a bit full and I really do recommend doing it all in one day.
Blood Draw first to check my blood count.
Meeting with Dr. Knopf.
Then Chemotherapy time, it took seven hours to load all the medicine in. God gave me this mantra to keep saying. I allow the love of God in. I kept looking at the bag of I V fluid and saying that over and over again. It really helps.
After the Chemotherapy was all done we had to go and pick up my medicine from the pharmacy. I was a bit tired by this point and was a bit irrigated. We got it done and got home and had a good meal.
I have been taking my Anti Nashua medicine and doing well. I feel a bit queasy from time to time but they say to stay ahead of the game. I would agree.
Ern, and I went out today and I have to be honest it was a bit too much. I had a great time but it really wore me out QUICK. Rest is the key and getting lots of liquids.
That is about it for today.
1/14/07 (Family Email)
Hello Family;
I wanted to let you know this week is a blessed week, ask me how I know? I have had friends visit from NC, AR and right here in Oakland. Many of you may know by now that I started Chemotherapy this last week. The first session was a blessing from the moment that I got there. God laid on my heart that I was just to look at this as the LOVE of God flowing in my veins. That is just what I have been doing as well. With the help of the Anti nausea medicine I have been able to eat this week. I will tell you that things taste differently and I am giving thanks for that as well.
For those of you have known me for some time know that one of my favorite saying now is JUST POUR LOVE ON IT. Well, I can tell you I have been the one to have the love poured on me. From the Care at the treatment center, to the love from the many emails, food, well wishes, cards, phone calls. I can go on and on. You know, I never really have any doubt that I am LOVED, I can tell you however how wonderful it feels to feel it and see it in action.
I was able to sing on Saturday, man that felt good. I was able to go to church This morning. I got up with the blessing of knowing that God is blessing me and I wanted to go and worship and thank God for the goodness in my life. So I got up and put on my new suit and off to church I went, and might I just say God was ready for me. The music was perfect, the Message was OFF THE HOOK!!! To come home on top of all of that with food to eat for the week, thank you FRIENDS. One of the things that God lays on my heart all the time, when lets say I don't feel 100%. What am I going to do about that? I have a closet full of the abundance of God and I need to get up and put on some Happy Clothes. So here is the living proof of Happy Clothes. Enjoy and know that each of you are loved and blessed not only from me, but the love of God as well.
I love you always Allen
Greeting Earth Angels; Yesterday I had a visit with the Oncologist, they check my blood to make sure I am good for the next round of Chemo. If they need to adjust me they have shots they can give to boost, lower, etc.
I am Happy in being able to say that my Blood work was GREAT, noting needed. The Dr. was very happy about this as well. We talked about the next month of treatment and how life could change with food and energy. I am knowing that God has this as well. I bless it, LOVE IT, and send it on it's way.
Here is the Schedule for the next week. Friday I see a Dermatologist to have some skin tags removed and to check to make sure my skin it nice and healthy.
Tuesday I see my Dentist and have some Dental work done. Make sure the Fluoride I am using turning the Chemo is working.
Thursday I am off to Chemo # 2. I found out yesterday that I will have treatments through the end of April and then have another Pet Scan to make sure the Cancer is getting smaller and the Chemo is working. From the looks of my neck the Dr. feels and I do as well that it is working already. Got to love the LOVE JUICE from GOD!!!!
Well, Angels I will check in with you next week after Chemo to let you know how WONDERFUL I am doing, until then know you are LOVED, surrounded with LIGHT, and BLESSED!!!
Your Friend
Hello Family;
Well, I was reminded yesterday that I have a Choice in my Hair Lost, WHEN. So I chose yesterday and today to feel myself of all hair with the exception of my Beard. I am going to keep that about another week or so and then off it comes as well.
Through out this process I have found it healing for me to take pictures of the process. So here are the hairless ones.
I love you All