Tuesday, October 23, 2007

My Gift to you

In thinking what this year has giving to me. The joy of living in the moment. Counting my blessings. Choosing what I look for. Love is always the right choice, no matter what the question is. Believe in myself. Love starts with in. Laugh everyday.

During this time of year is when we start gearing up for the holiday season. We are thinking of so many things, who is coming to visit, what am I going to prepare, looking for the best sales, what pair of shoes to wear. (SMILE)

It was this time last year when I started Medication, and within a month I was told I have cancer. I would have the first of two surgeries, and I would receive the most amazing Gift from God. Love is my purpose. Love is what I am to live each day. Love for every thing. Look for the Good in all things. The only difference between where I am, and where I want to be is CHOICE.

Choosing to be happy today starts with giving thanks, and appreciation for today. I woke up this morning. I am ALIVE. What a great gift. What am I going to do with it today. How can I best spend my time today. Today, I know the answer. The best way to spend my day is Loving. Starting with myself and allowing it to ripple out, knowing that whatever I send out always returns to me.

So, Happy Tuesday Family I LOVE YOU.
Your Brother

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