Thursday, October 25, 2007

Harmony or hurt?

My friend Max shared a story with me that really touched my heart. It is about a Buddhist principle.

Every Life is like a calm lake surrounded by wonderful loving trees. The people in my life are like visitors to this lake. They can bring Harmony, or hurt to the lake.

Max shared more, and it started me thinking. Think before I speak. I remember when I was a young child I believe in the fourth grade. A teacher taught us the phrase "put your mind in gear before putting your mouth in motion."

I realize today that my words and deeds are energy. Each one should be used to bring harmony, peace, and Love. So many times in my effort to make something better, or "fix it." I come into others lives like a mighty Avalanche.

Is what I am saying at this moment loving you and bringing harmony? Or, am I just wanting you to see my way, and change? I am finding as I love myself more, that needing others to change in order for my happiness, isn't really happiness. Today I choose to be happy just to be happy.

A friend of mine noticed a pair of shoes I was wearing the other day, and I was so happy to tell them about the great deal I got on them. I didn't remember the name of the shop, so I was telling them what it was near. My friend knew instantly where I was talking about and stated the name. I having some other name in mind continued to give more direct, and specific directions to the location of the store. After three times of my friend saying the same name, I realized we were both at the same location we just took different routes to get there.

We both got there; who is to say one or the other is right or wrong? Is it not the lesson that we all get to our destination our on way, and at our own speed? I am so grateful today that I can hear what I am saying. Take the time to day to say Thank you, Please, Your welcome, and I LOVE YOU.

Bring Harmony to the lakes and lives you touch today.
I love you

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