Saturday, October 13, 2007

Book of Positive Aspects

I have started a book of Positive Aspects. The way you play the game is you write down a person, place of thing that you appreciate. The goal is not to think just allow and write what comes to mind right away.

I wanted to share more about the book and how it works. It is really a journal that I made myself. You can do it on the computer but it has so much more meaning to you, when you write it out by hand. On the outside of the journal you write the words "MY BOOK OF POSITIVE ASPECTS". On the first day you write in the journal you spend at least 20 minutes writing about a person, place, thing that you love. There are three questions that you ask about the subject you have written down in the book for that time period.
What do I like about you?
Why do I love you so much?
What are your positive aspects?
On the first day I did this, I wrote about 4 different people in my life. One twist I added to this process is sharing what I wrote, with the person I wrote it about. I just want to add if you ever want to change your mood, or what is going on in your day. Open the book and start writing. It is amazing. One big thing to remember only Positive Aspects. Not things you would like to change only things you see now. Watch it change your life.

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