Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Day 6 Family Email

December 06

Funny how that word means so many different things. For the longest time in my life it brought about pain, because my family could not love me as I am., however my truth stood the test of time, and you are my witness to that. Having my Mom, and Dad visit the EBCRS last August then hearing how they loved it. Healed us. In pain there is growth. Thank you God.

For a great deal of my life I looked for the MAGIC PILL, I looked in Drugs, Alcohol, Sex, Food, etc. My truth stood up, and let me know the Magic Pill is ME. It is my attitude, how I choose to look at things. How I choose to react to things. How I choose to take care of me. I have now been in Recovery from Alcohol, and Drugs for over 18 years. In Growth there is pain. Thank you God.

Last night at church the choir circled around me in LOVE, and LIGHT a LOVE RING if you would One that I can choose to take off at any time, or I can choose to Hold that LOVE close to me and treasure FAMILY. Thank you God.

In the words of OUR Rev E, TANT SO, about the cancer, TANT SO about what is showing up in your life right now. I know my truth, and with each of you I hold myself in perfect health I know God, and I know God's Law, so it has no other way but to show up. Thank you God.

Thank you all for the inspiration, Love, Joy, Laughter, and the HUGS!!!!! Those are the best, keep them coming PLEASE. Thank you for the opportunity to love, and live out loud. This is GROWTH. Thank you God.

I love you ALL

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