Monday, October 15, 2007

Personal Journal 10/15/07

I know that the real I (God and I) is greater than any experience which may come to me.

Spending time in the morning with God reading the words from the Science of Mind, and the daily quotes from Abraham. Is such a blessing to me. The sentence above is from the Science of mind today. I love it.

It sorta puts in words what I have been living this last year. As I continue on this journey it is so good to know that my steps are orders, and divinely guided. I feel that each of us knows the way. There are times I just choose to listen to something or someone else. I know I often seek the council of a trusted friend, my parents, or mentor. Today I know that the answer I need is with in me. How many times has that still voice with in told you to do something, or say something. I find that when I listen to that still voice which I know as God. That voice, feeling, has never lead me wrong. To be honest when I listen to that still voice I find my journey is pleasant, safe, and secure.

I was listening to a minister yesterday and she put it very well. When I trust more in the "Plan" than the Source eventually the plan will not work, for life is always changing. What works today may very well not work tomorrow. When asked "what should I do" I think the best thing I could say to anyone is listen to your heart.

I used to spend hours in prayer, asking God to fix this or work this out. Don't get me wrong prayer is WONDERFUL and I thank God for all the prayers that have gone up on my behalf. I have learned today that it is important to give God time to respond. Meditate. Quiet my mind and breathe. I find that so much of my day is spend with my mind racing from one thought to the next that is it important to stop, listen, breathe.

In those times I hear that still voice saying "Peace be still".

Then is when I know that the real "I" is greater than any experience which may come to me.



BigDaddyHo said...

Dayam! U lookin' fly!

Anonymous said...

This is true you do look fly!!!
You don't know me, but of course you do since we are one! I am in the choir (started in June 07) and am receiving your emails and now blog updates. WOW, brother! I LOVE YOU!!!!! You are speaking to MEEEEEEE!!! My name is Jessica Fernandes. Your every word uplifts me. You are an inspiration..not because I feel sorry for you or have pity on your experience, but because you are hella deep and honest and real and you are speaking my truth!!!! I have been meaning to tell you this...but today it is NECESSARY! Your words and quotes about turning to what I love about myself when someone is disappointing me is exactly what I am working right now. I am hearing that I need to work this more. This comes up with regards to my children (5 angels!!). I get SO angry at myself for the reaction I have to them. But it is SO true that I must look at how I am loving me when they are making me feel disrespected. How am I disrespecting me?? The mirror! Osun!
And what you said about the best thing I can do for my loved ones is to be happy! And stop waiting for them to make me happy! Wow!

Please keep writing and sharing your quotes from your reading. They are so helpful! is me!

Letting the love flow over me via God as you,

A journey into life said...

Thank you both for taking the time to share with me. I LOVE YOU. Thank you for allowing me to share me.