December 02 2006
Hello my wonderful family;
I know that all of you have been awaiting the news from the biopsy, and it is finally in. I talked with the Dr. yesterday and the biopsy shows that I have Lymphoma. Now I want to start this off saying Don't worry and DON'T FEEL SORRY for me. What I want from my family is LOVE and I know that I have that from each and every one of you. I Called a lot of you yesterday to tell you and some I couldn't get through too so I wanted to make sure you all knew.
What I want from each of you right now, and through out this journey is to hold me in PERFECT HEALTH. I will be saying that to myself on a daily, moment, basis as needed. I need the same from you. There is GREATNESS in this. For I know that anything that happens in my life my GOD will bless and make it for my GOOD.
Here is what I know so far, I have a meeting with the Oncologist on Tuesday around 3:00 PM, and then I will know more. I will have to have a full body CT SCAN, You all know how much I love that. It is actually not bad I feel like the filling in a donut. I know CRAZY right? They will also at some point take a bone marrow Biopsy on me as well. I will be at the GYM 5 days a week and doing what I can to keep my body STRONG and Healthy. They tell me that is very important. They always want me to keep up my Routine. Anybody up for 4:30 AM work outs let me know. HA HA HA!!!!
The one thing I do know is there is ministry in this, and I am the chosen one to walk this path. I don't know where all this is going to take me but I am ready, for I have the love of GOD and all of you to see me through it all. I want you all to picture with me what JOY I am going to have telling EVERYONE about this once God has seen me through. WOW, now that is amazing.
I am covered at work for the next couple month, and I will find out more as we see where this all goes. The Dr. did tell me that we caught this early due to the fact that I was so very persistent about finding out what was going on in there. He also stated that he doesn't think I will ever have to go into the hospital, I can do this all as out patient and be home in my own bed. THANK YOU GOD!!!
My friend Shawn is going to take me out today to have some FUN and SHOP. I want to play this weekend. It is a great day to be alive and I am living it up. I am thinking about going to the city tomorrow and see if I can find a dance. And you all know where to find me tomorrow during the day I will be at the East Bay Church of Religious Science getting my full PRAISE On.
I am going to attach a picture of me taking yesterday so you all know how healthily I am and full of life. Please Don't be sad, Live with me and Love with me. Know that God has picked out the perfect person to go through this and talk about it on the other side. I can't wait to tell my story. You know it is going to be a good one and all of you are going to be in it too. Who knows they may even make a movie out of it. SMILE.
Please know that I love you all and treasure you with every breath I take.
All my love
Allen Mosley
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