Saturday, October 27, 2007
What Could Happen?
What would my life be like if I just trusted that my steps are guided and the next thing will take care of itself? Would that free me up to Love more? Would have make it easier to serve my purpose here on earth? What would it be like if I just trusted God to take care of all the little, and big things in life? What would happen if I spent my day Loving every thing I saw?
I have been reading a great book that talks about emotions and allowing them to guide me. I have been an emotional person all of my life. When I was a child in the first grade I cried for two weeks when my mom left me at school, because I didn't understand that she wasn't going away forever. I was made fun of as a child because I cried, and like to play dress up. My Papa hugs were the best thing in the world. My Granny told the best stories and I loved spending time with older people. Loving them was easier to me for some reason. I felt like an old soul in a young body. I always knew that my emotions where mine and I needed to enjoy them all. I always love to sing I would go outside when I was a child and sing so loudly that my grand parents could hear me singing. They lived about a block away. I loved to sing for it was those times I felt peace, oneness with the world, and Love.
As a child I would talk to anyone, one of my favorite stories is my mom talked about how shy she was until I was born. I have the best mom she and I would do everything together. She made a game out of everything, making the bed, cleaning the floors, and my favorite shopping for groceries. She would put me in the cart and we would stroll up and down each lane in the store and I would speak to everyone and I do mean EVERYONE we passed. My mom would tell me not to trouble the other folks they were busy, but I wanted to know each of them. My heart reached out and most of them would reach back, and we would talk or share a laugh. We would stop at the deli counter and the butcher would always give me a piece of cheese. I think that is one of the reasons I love cheese so much today. We would load the groceries in the car and head home. I would stand in the back seat and ask Mama with each car that passed. Mama who is that? "I don't know son" Why not I would ask?
Sunday was my favorite day; I got to sing in church. From the age of two or three my mom and dad would take me to church. When the singing started I would turn around in the pew and sing to everyone behind me. Everybody called me "cotton top" back then. My hair was so blond it was white as cotton. My mom and dad always allowed me to sing my heart out. They always love to listen to me sing. When I was talking to others or singing I always felt so free. Connected one to another.
Some, where along the way I learned to quiet my voice, speak only when spoken too. Don't speak to stranger. In 2000 I found myself so depressed that I went on anti depressants. I was numb. I didn't care about anything but FOOD!!!! After a year I went to the doctor 40 pounds heavier and said I want to feel again. I had not cried one tear in a year. I worked with the doctor and come off the medication slowly. I was at work one day and on my way to pick up my mail when I felt tears on my face. That was one of the happiest days of my life. Why? I was alive. I was able to feel my feelings again. At that moment I vowed that no matter what I wanted to feel how I felt. I could choose what was right and wrong for me. If I was to feel better it was up to me, not anyone else. I cried, I cried, and I cried some more.
Each day was a step through depression into fear, which lead to anger. Blame, and resentment lead to worry and disappointment. Impatience lead to boredom, and then contentment. Optimism lead to belief and positive expectation. Happiness took hold and I began to have Passion, Love, Appreciation, Knowledge, Joy and FREEDOM. Each step was my journey into life. This last year I have been on the fast track. Today I know LIFE is going to happen. What I do with it is up to me. I can choose heaven or hell I have experienced both today. It is my choice to choose. That is FREEDOM.
This all started out with what would happen if I just trusted the flow. FREEDOM. That is what happened for me.
I love you
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Harmony or hurt?
Every Life is like a calm lake surrounded by wonderful loving trees. The people in my life are like visitors to this lake. They can bring Harmony, or hurt to the lake.
Max shared more, and it started me thinking. Think before I speak. I remember when I was a young child I believe in the fourth grade. A teacher taught us the phrase "put your mind in gear before putting your mouth in motion."
I realize today that my words and deeds are energy. Each one should be used to bring harmony, peace, and Love. So many times in my effort to make something better, or "fix it." I come into others lives like a mighty Avalanche.
Is what I am saying at this moment loving you and bringing harmony? Or, am I just wanting you to see my way, and change? I am finding as I love myself more, that needing others to change in order for my happiness, isn't really happiness. Today I choose to be happy just to be happy.
A friend of mine noticed a pair of shoes I was wearing the other day, and I was so happy to tell them about the great deal I got on them. I didn't remember the name of the shop, so I was telling them what it was near. My friend knew instantly where I was talking about and stated the name. I having some other name in mind continued to give more direct, and specific directions to the location of the store. After three times of my friend saying the same name, I realized we were both at the same location we just took different routes to get there.
We both got there; who is to say one or the other is right or wrong? Is it not the lesson that we all get to our destination our on way, and at our own speed? I am so grateful today that I can hear what I am saying. Take the time to day to say Thank you, Please, Your welcome, and I LOVE YOU.
Bring Harmony to the lakes and lives you touch today.
I love you
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
My Gift to you
During this time of year is when we start gearing up for the holiday season. We are thinking of so many things, who is coming to visit, what am I going to prepare, looking for the best sales, what pair of shoes to wear. (SMILE)
It was this time last year when I started Medication, and within a month I was told I have cancer. I would have the first of two surgeries, and I would receive the most amazing Gift from God. Love is my purpose. Love is what I am to live each day. Love for every thing. Look for the Good in all things. The only difference between where I am, and where I want to be is CHOICE.
Choosing to be happy today starts with giving thanks, and appreciation for today. I woke up this morning. I am ALIVE. What a great gift. What am I going to do with it today. How can I best spend my time today. Today, I know the answer. The best way to spend my day is Loving. Starting with myself and allowing it to ripple out, knowing that whatever I send out always returns to me.
So, Happy Tuesday Family I LOVE YOU.
Your Brother
Monday, October 22, 2007
What is your Dominant Intention?
I am working on a workshop that I want to give. One of the first things I want to ask everyone. Think about all the things that are here on the planet today, that weren't when you were born? For me, one of the first things that come to mind is the "Internet" and of course the cell phone. Yet, today I often think what we did before this was as it is today?
We dreamed of a day when it would be possible? Did we not? We THOUGHT it into being. Now think about that same question, or better yet ask someone of your parents generation and here what they have to say. I am reminded of the times my parents would say " you children today have it so easy, because".... Today I know that my parents intention was for me to have a better life that they did. Out of that intention comes love, life, dreams, and THOUGHT.
Think about electricity, today we think nothing of turning on a switch and the lights come on. We think as long as we pay the electric bill we will have electricity. Most of us have no doubt in the law of science that makes electricity work, we enjoy that science everyday. Can you just for a moment think of the many jokes each person who thought that electricity was possible might have endured. Yet there was a passion, a knowing within that it was possible. That voice with in that kept saying live your dream.
Now I ask myself, and you. Where do we spend out "THOUGHTS?"
Is it our dominant intention to "be" that which we know we were destined to be, or do we instead live in the fear of ...... you fill in the blank. Think about this every time you use your cell phone today, or every time you look up something on the internet. What is your heart asking you to do, and it that your dominant intention today?
I dream of a day where we all understand that we can each live our dreams. That means I get to focus on what I am thinking, and doing. Not trying to control what you are.
I love you
Friday, October 19, 2007
Don't miss the Blessing
It is as if a small child went to a wise parent and asked," Parent, may I have this good think I desire?" The parents only answer would be, "Yes, you may have it,-here it is."
But supposed the child replied, "my hands are too full to take it now, --put it by for me."
Am I missing the blessing that I have asked for? How many times in my life have I prayed God please take this from me, only to hold on to the thing that much tighter? How many times have I laid it, on the altar only to pick it up again before I go? How many times have I chosen to take the burden rather than the blessing?
The reading goes on to say the circumstances which make us unhappy are so very small, but when held up in front of the eyes blots out the sun.
I am learning this new technique that is really changing my life, when I choose to really put it into action. I have been a planner all of my life. As long as I can remember I had a plan. So for me I love "to do list." Through out the years I have added so many things on my "to do list" that I found it to be overwhelming.
The new practice goes like this. On a piece of paper draw a line down the center of the paper. On the left side write down the things you are actually going to do today. Write only those things you know that you will be able to accomplish. At the top of the list write "things I will do today." On the right side of the paper at the top write "things I want God, or the universe to accomplish." Then load it up with all those things you have wanted to get around too, but haven't. As well as the things you don't see how you can. Those things you may feel are out of reach for you. This is the good part. You then take the paper tear it in half and take only your part, your actual "to do" list. The rest you leave for God to handle.
Some months ago I was concerned about health care. I had received a call from my old employer that stated that my insurance was going to Cobra. I had heard horror stories about what it cost on cobra. I was consumed in fear. I was holding it up in front of my eyes asking what am I going to do about this. I was making a choice. I was choosing fear. I had read in a book about this process and said God I want to change my focus. I got out a piece of paper and wrote down my "to do" list for the day and then the things I wanted God to do. When finished I said a pray and tore the paper in half and began to achieve my half of the list. I really let go of the things I had left with God. I actually threw God's list away. Within hours I received the letter from Cobra and I had insurance and it was only $80.00 more each month than I had been paying. Very easily within my budget.
I am not sure what else I put on the list that day. I do know this. God is on it. My heart lifted that day, and when I feel my list is not within reach, I take out my piece of paper and write down the things I know I can do that day, and then the rest I give to God.
Try it out; see what God will do for you.
Today I remember that I am the only face of God that some folks will see today. What am I showing them?
I love you
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Good Morning Family
I woke up this morning hearing, what are you worried about? What am I giving my energy too? Since I was 12 or 13 years old I have been working HARD!!! For what? I had a plan you see. I have been a planner all my life. Work hard all your life build the nest egg,then retire and enjoy it. What about today? I spent all, or most of my time thinking about tomorrow. Tomorrow is going to be the day when my ship comes in. Tomorrow I will appreciate all the hard work I put in yesterday. What about today? Did I tell my friends, and family that I love them. Did I speak to the person God told me too. Did I give my spare change to the person in need, or was I do busy with my PLAN? Did I listen to the young child asking me a question, or telling me their story, or was I to busy with my plan. TODAY is all I have, what am I doing with it.
You know when I share with folks that I have been diagonalized with Cancer not one type but two, so many feel sad or sorry for me. DON'T I am learning to LIVE in today. I am learning to tell everyone that I love them TODAY. I am learning that the best laid plans sometimes fail. TRUST, LIVE, LOVE. I don't want to suggest that any of you go out and run your credit cards up, or that you live in a way that is our side of your current situation. What I am asking is, are you getting the most out of your current situation? Are you looking for the blessings?
I realize today that all that time I thought I was living, I was missing so many things. Now I don't want to live in the past either, so don't start focusing on that. Have you looked at a tree today? Today I look for BEAUTY, LOVE, PEACE, JOY, HARMONY in everything. I know that every tree has energy and it talking to me. Can I hear it or am I too busy with my plan to listen? This time of year in the North West the trees are changing color, moving in the wind, leaves are dropping, and I realized. This tree is me, the only difference is it is going with the flow. This tree is not worried about what I think about it. It is not worried about will I have enough food to eat, it knows that it is perfect, whole, and complete. It knows that it will product and ABUNDANCE of harvest again soon. I had my plan to live in California the rest of my life. Here I am in Seattle learning from the trees. Go with the flow. Look for the Beauty in each day. When I find myself starting to focus on something in my life that causes me sadness, fear, or despair, I look around me to see where is abundance in my life. I don't have to go far to find it. Today I know it is my CHOICE.
I woke up this morning thinking about GREATNESS. My Greatness. Every time I share LOVE today I am showing my GREATNESS. For at that moment I am sharing God in me, as me. How dare I play SMALL. SHINE, SHINE, SHINE. Go with the Flow.
I love you
Our Greatest Fear —Marianne Williamson
it is our light not our darkness that most frightens us
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,
talented and fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other
people won't feel insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest the glory of
God that is within us.
It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people
permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
Our presence automatically liberates others.
-Marianne Williamson
Monday, October 15, 2007
Personal Journal 10/15/07
Spending time in the morning with God reading the words from the Science of Mind, and the daily quotes from Abraham. Is such a blessing to me. The sentence above is from the Science of mind today. I love it.
It sorta puts in words what I have been living this last year. As I continue on this journey it is so good to know that my steps are orders, and divinely guided. I feel that each of us knows the way. There are times I just choose to listen to something or someone else. I know I often seek the council of a trusted friend, my parents, or mentor. Today I know that the answer I need is with in me. How many times has that still voice with in told you to do something, or say something. I find that when I listen to that still voice which I know as God. That voice, feeling, has never lead me wrong. To be honest when I listen to that still voice I find my journey is pleasant, safe, and secure.
I was listening to a minister yesterday and she put it very well. When I trust more in the "Plan" than the Source eventually the plan will not work, for life is always changing. What works today may very well not work tomorrow. When asked "what should I do" I think the best thing I could say to anyone is listen to your heart.
I used to spend hours in prayer, asking God to fix this or work this out. Don't get me wrong prayer is WONDERFUL and I thank God for all the prayers that have gone up on my behalf. I have learned today that it is important to give God time to respond. Meditate. Quiet my mind and breathe. I find that so much of my day is spend with my mind racing from one thought to the next that is it important to stop, listen, breathe.
In those times I hear that still voice saying "Peace be still".
Then is when I know that the real "I" is greater than any experience which may come to me.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
10/14/07 Personal Journal
I have been reading books from the teaching of Abraham by Ester and Jerry Hicks. There are so many things that I have learned doing some of the practices they share in the books. One of the greatest is “The book for Positive Aspect”. When I wake up each morning one of the first things I say is Good morning God and welcome to my day. It is my intention today to be the love of God. It is my intention to feel the love of God in every person I see and meet today. It is my intention to see the abundance and prosperity at every segment of my life experience today.
I love reading today, that is growth in and of its self. I am a great reader as well. I am learning that how I see myself, how I love myself is the way I allow others to love me. So if I feel I am not getting the love I want, the best to start is by asking myself what do I love about myself? What are my positive aspects? I am learning that no one can give me happiness. That is my job. Others can share with me, but it is up to me to let it in.
Growing up in the south was such a great blessing. Hearing the stories that it is better to give than receive. We all have our stories, and today I know that we all hear what we choose too. I know today that I heard it was selfish to receive. Today I know that there is great joy in both giving and receiving. Balance. Just rightness.
One of the reading today states that the best thing I can do for anyone I love is to be happy. And the very worst thing that I could do for anyone that I love is to be unhappy, and then ask them to try to change it, when there is nothing that anybody else can do that will make me happy. I love that. How many times in my life have I said, if this or that would change I would be happy? Why not just be happy?
When I heard the doctor tell me that I had cancer “Tant SO” I remember feeling fear and then the voice within me. That voice we all have that tells us when what we are doing is serving us in our growth or tearing us down. Said why not choose to laugh about it? As my friend Paris always shares “A merry heart does good like medicine” Proverbs 17:22
Each day I am alive every step I take is a choice. I can choose to stay in bed pull the covers over my head and hide, or I can engage in love, live, and happiness. I can choose to continue to hold anger, fear, hurt, past hurt, or I can choose to love today starting with me. One of the things I have learned in recovery is that if you want to change how I see someone in my life pray for them for 30 days. Pray for their good, their blessing, and their highest good. Watch what happens.
In 30 days your life will not be the same. It reminds me that each day I have a choice in everything I see. If I take it personally that is just how it will show up for me. If I look for something to be angry about I will find it. However if I choose to look for something to LOVE, something beautiful, something abundant I will find that too.
Today I choose LOVE!
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Book of Positive Aspects
I have started a book of Positive Aspects. The way you play the game is you write down a person, place of thing that you appreciate. The goal is not to think just allow and write what comes to mind right away.
I wanted to share more about the book and how it works. It is really a journal that I made myself. You can do it on the computer but it has so much more meaning to you, when you write it out by hand. On the outside of the journal you write the words "MY BOOK OF POSITIVE ASPECTS". On the first day you write in the journal you spend at least 20 minutes writing about a person, place, thing that you love. There are three questions that you ask about the subject you have written down in the book for that time period.
Thank you to my Sue B
Thank you again and I love you ALL!!
September The Kidney Surgery
August Meeting the Urology Team
July Welcome to Seattle
It has been some time since I updated y'all so I wanted to keep you up to date on the blessing in my life. As most of you know the Lymphoma is in remission and from the latest scan a few weeks back that is still current. The last few rounds of Chemotherapy were pretty hard on my body, and it wiped out my white blood cells for a couple week. This gave me a great deal of time to reflect on all the goodness of God and that when life comes at us we have a choice. I will be honest that there were a couple of days where I would have welcomed a large BUS for relief.
Praise God that part is behind me. I also had the chance to spend some time with my Family and you all know how much my Mama loves to cook. Any weight that I lost during the E-coli infection was put back on with Mom's TLC. It was so great to see my family and spend some time with them. Being out in the middle of the COUNTRY with no cell phone and 4 Channels on the TV I was able to get some Much needed rest. You know being divinely guided is a great thing isn't it?
After my visit with my folks I had a follow up visit with my Lymphoma doctor which I mentioned earlier. He gave me the great news about being in remission from the Lymphoma. He also had some things we had to talk about. During the scan they found a lump on my kidney and one on my liver. The one on my Kidney is Renal Carcinoma. The best news is the treatment for this is to remove it. The lumps are small and can be removed however they will have to take extra tissue to make sure they get all of it. So I will be having surgery in late August for that. This will give me time to strengthen my body for that part of the journey. God is soooooo good.
Packing up and leaving the bay area was one of the hardest things I have done in a while, however the care I received in NC was amazing. Thank God for doctor Orlawski who found the lump on my kidney and liver and would not leave it alone. The doctor in CA had never mentioned it though it has shown up on all the scans I had in the past. The time in NC gave me a chance to do some soul searching and asking for divine guidance.
That guidance has lead me to Seattle, WA where I will be having the surgery at the Cancer Treatment Center. I have a awesome support system here as well, as I lived here in 98 before I moved to the bay area. My wonderful friend Richard has been so wonderful housing me, finding me a new place to live and taking care of me. I am one BLESSED MAN!!!
I will be seeing one of the best Cancer specialist in the country at the Cancer Treatment Center and they will work with the doctors to remove the Cancer in late August. This will add more time to my recovery time. I am just praising God that they found it and can remove it all in divine timing. Please keep me in your prayer and love as I know you always do. Here is my new address as of Monday July 9th.
Allen Mosley
June New Tumor
I went and spent 9 days with my Birth family, my mom didn't stop cooking the entire time I was there. I was able to spend some time with my brother's and sister's family. I was able to visit with my Roxy. Such a beautiful spirit and friend.
Once I got back to NC the chemotherapy had wiped out all my white blood cells and I was very sick. I had and E coli infection, and the doctor told me not to visit with anyone for 2 weeks. Thank God Ernest did a great deal of travel during that time. In the middle of all of this I knew that God was working it all out.
I remember being weak and tired. I felt like my feet weighed two tons.
Once the two weeks passed I had a visit with my oncologist doctor Orlowski the most amazing man. He has the best bed side manor. Best smile and a great hand shake I love that. I had just had my cat scan, and pet scan a couple day before. I remember sitting in the chair in the exam room with the door open and seeing doctor Orlowski walk pass the room. The look in his eyes told me everything I needed to know. I sat there and tears begin running down my face.
In a few minutes, which seemed like days doctor Orlowski come in and to talk with me. He stated the good news is that the Lymphoma is still in remission. That is GREAT!!!! The not so good news is the mass on your kidney is still there. From the radiologist report it looks like renal carcinoma. This was the last thing I wanted to hear. I had my cry and let it out, then said ok what is next?
You will need to have a MRI and see a renal cancer doctor. I have to be honest I didn't hear much after the MRI. I HATE those things. I am not a small man and I get claustrophobic in that process.
Doctor Orlowski recommended an oncologist in WA and off I go.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
April Journal in North Carolina at UNC
March Journal Parents here to Pack me Up
Hello my family;
I wanted to write this morning and say I LOVE YOU ALL. It is so amazing watching God work. My parents arrived this last Wednesday, and I had Chemotherapy on Thursday. The doctor wanted to check my heart to make sure the chemotherapy was not damaging it in any way. As my friend Sharon would say it's time to get your praise on, so lift your hands up. NO DAMAGE at all. This next Wednesday I go for my pet scan. This is where they are looking for any growths in my lymph glands. I know that God has that worked out as well.
It is so wonderful having my folks here with me. The love of my family of Choice and my birth family has truly been the face, arms, legs, and grace of God for me through out this journey I am on. I have so many thank you to send out from Michael and Antonio for picking up my parents and making sure I get to the appointments on time this last week. For all of you that have been sending emails, phone messages, and Lori for coming for a visit from Redding. Thank you.
Asking for help, and then letting the help in has been an opportunity for growth in my life. I can say today with the grace of God that I am learning that lesson and asking for help. Thank you for all of those who keep pushing me to let you in to help. I was reading the science of mind lesson for the day today and this passage really touch my heart and I wanted to share it with you.
It states.
"I have discovered the most useful tools for managing on the edge are surrender, faith and love: Surrender into the unknown and infinite possibility, have faith knowing that something magnificent is unfolding for your highest good to be revealed, allow the experience of love from within and without to buoy you and lift you beyond recognition--you have everything you need within you. Living on the edge is a wonderful gift."
This passage remind me that each day I choose to live life to the fullest I am saying thank you to God for the GREATEST Gift, my life. When I live in the future or the past I am choosing to overlook the wonderful gift of today.
Thank you my family (My wonderful Gift from God)
I love you
Thank you Lisa
February Journal
February 08 2007 (Personal Journal)
I woke up this morning with knowing that with growth comes change. Getting the news about my benefits was a day in which I chose to live in fear. Today I know that I don’t have to it is choice. Before me are several options right now and I am not even there yet. God is busy working behind my back as Rev E would say and busy looking at yesterday’s news.
I have an expectation for Good and Very Good so that is what much show up if I am looking for it. And I am.
Being that I have this expectancy can anything stay the same? Or does change have to happen. I have been asking for a home, a place to call my own, that means I have to move from here. If this is happening soon that means that my home can only be that much closer. Try God and see. I talk about faith in my emails is that what everyone is seeing our fear? It is all a choice.
This is a change to pay off my debt, clean up my life and prepare for a better day ahead. Just as when I go to Church I get to clean up, put on my best for God. That is what I am doing in my life. Cleaning up for God. What is my best friend getting to see each day Faith or Fear? Not because I am hiding either, I don’t want to hide any more I choose LIFE. With life comes Change and movement. Thank you God for the happiness this morning, for movement in my bones and in my life. Only Good can go from me and return to me. I want to send out and email today.
(A email from my friend Lisa)
Greetings Choir!!
In honor of our beloved Allen, I am raising money for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society as a participant in their Team In Training and I'm asking you to help by making a contribution. Each donation helps accelerate cures for leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma and brings hope to the patients and families who are on the front lines of the battle against these diseases.
Please use the link in this email to donate online quickly and securely. You will receive a confirmation by email of your donation and I will be notified as soon as you make your donation.
We know this is in God's hands and it is already complete!!!
You can learn more about my efforts and make a donation by visiting the following Web site:
February 23/07 (Personal Journal)
I choose Love. It is 2:00 AM and I am awake and feel the need to journal. Yesterday when Paul and I got home from chemotherapy there were several cards from my Mom, and Dad's church. Some of them have giving me money which is such a blessing and I am so grateful for. The greatest gift I have been given in this journey is my Dad.
I have always known that my Dad loves me no matter what has happened. I have chosen pain at times, finding out that when I chose pain it shows up. You know I would never choose to have cancer... but; if it had to happen i am so very happy for the wonderful treasures it has given me. My faith in God, my willingness to let others in, and the love of my Dad in a way I have dreamed of all my life.
Thank you God for this journey where I get to choose what I take from it. I can choose to look at the pain, the discomfort, being sick most of the time to a point I don't want to get out of bed. If I do that will show up. Because that is where my focus would be, however, if I choose Love Peace, blessings then that is what shows up.
God thank you for the cancer, I bless it, and release it. Thank you for the journey in letting others love me. Having Paul, Richard, Ernest, Wayne, my parents, and countless friends from around the world show me love in so many ways. Thank you.
Here I am God send me.
cancer publication
In thinking of what I might say about my journey that would bless others, and in some way help someone else on his or hers own journey. The first thought that comes to mind is knowing that only Good can come to me. I know today that no matter how life may appear that only good can come from each situation. I know that may sound a bit odd, but I hope by the end of this story you will have a clearer understanding of these statements.
In January of 2000 my journey begins when I heard the Dr. say to me Allen, you are HIV positive. I must be honest as much as I would like to deny it; I was not surprised at the news. Stating that it didn’t make the news any easier to hear. One of the first thoughts that went though my mind was Oh my God I am going to die. Then slowly reality kicked in as I have the honor of knowing people who have been on this journey before me. Since they are here to tell their story, it is only logical that I will have the chance to tell mind.
After the advice of my Doctor of the many new strides that are being made in the way of medical breakthroughs, and studies that show early medical treatment would ensure a longer life span. I had to make a decision that was right for me. With regular blood work, the fact that my T Cells where high and my Viral Load remained stable I made a Choice to go into Psychotherapy and not go on HIV medication. Key word in that sentence is CHOICE. I want to drive home to LISTEN to your heart. As a result of psychotherapy I was able to step through my fear and tell my friends and family about my HIV status. In that process there were those who chose to walk away, however today I know that had nothing to do with me. Should friends chose to walk away don’t take it personal everyone has their journey in grief. Out of my sharing my status with others it opened the door for others to talk to me about their journey and let me know of the hope that I had giving them and the freedom to share with someone else. I would never wish anyone this process, however I am very happy that my journey has helped make someone else’s easier.
One of the main reason's I did not want to go on medication was fear. Fear of side effects, quality of life, and to be honest having to admit to myself that I really had HIV and Aids. One of the ways I combated this was to change the way I lived my life. I began to work out 3 to 5 days a week and monitored that which I took into my body. I also began to seek out other forms of treatment, herb, accupuncher, and other natural medicine. I continued to seek the advice and monitor my blood work with my medical Doctor as well. In August 2006, I began to feel very tired and had a lack of energy. I didn’t really understand this as I was working out 5 days a week and was taking great care of myself. What was going on and why was I feeling so tired? After going to the Dr. with flu like symptoms and fatigue month after month, we checked my blood work again, and we found that my liver panel was elevated. Once again I was at the place where I had a make a decision that was best for me. Was it time to start the medicine and overcome my fears? I called my two greatest friends and ask them what they thought. The both advised me to go on medicine so in November 2006 I started taking the drug Atripla.
Everyone has their own journey when starting medication and mine was no different than others, I had nausea, dizziness, some wild dreams and more fatigue. I was very discouraged as the month went on as my Doctor had told me within a month I should feel like my old self again. I decided that a trip would do me well, so off I go to visit one of my dearest friends and while there I noticed a growth in my neck. OK now what? Once I was back home I made an appointment with my Dr. and he felt it was the lymph nodes reacting to the medicine and it would go down in a couple months and all would be well. I DIDN’T AGREE!!!! The swelling in my neck was increasing and the pain was more intense each day. My Doctor and I decide I needed more test. A CAT scan of my neck revealed several very enlarged lymph nodes. I was then referred to the Ear, Nose, and throat specialist. He told me he was 95% sure that this was not CANCER but a cist. He wanted to perform a needle biopsy to make sure and then he could drain the cist and all would be well. I was scheduled for a needle biopsy, while there I had a strange feeling... the same feeling I had when I was told I was HIV positive.
Two days later I get a call from my Dr. asking me to come in for a talk. I was told that I had Lymphoma and I needed to see an oncologist immediately. This was the last thing I wanted to hear, more test more needles and more blood work what next? After the needle biopsy the oncologist needed a tissue sample, which meant I had to be scheduled for surgery, not just any surgery one that could leave me with total facial paralysis. Me, not being able to talk, sing, or communicate with others, to tell you there was no fear would be a lie. I did however have total faith in my Surgeon and his staff. Surgery, PET scans and more needles than I thought we had in the USA was my next month of treatment.. Here is the GREAT NEWS, in all of this I knew this wasn’t the thing that was going to take me out. I knew God had more in store for me. I made up my mind that day I was and am going to live through this, NO MATTER WHAT!! Having this attitude has been, and is the best medicine yet. Every time I've had any blood drawn I looked for the face of God and God's goodness. Every time I go for Chemotherapy I call it God’s LOVE JUICE. I visualize the IV Fluid flowing in my veins as the love of God coming into to my life to heal and bless me. Every scan, every procedure I have I look for the good in it.... And goodness has to shows up every time. This is the attitude I have chosen to keep with me the rest of my life. If you take only one thing from my journey I hope it is that I CHOOSE TO SEE GOOD IN EVERYTHING!!!!!! I believe if you choose this as well it will show up for you. Thank you for taking the time to read my journey of Good.
Allen Mosley
January 25 Letter to Mama about my Hair Loss

Good Morning Mama;
Here is all my Hair that I shaved off my body. I remember that Sonja told me she did the same thing, as she wanted to be the one to decide when she lost her hair as well. I know some folks may think me a bit crazy for wanting a pillow out of it. That is ok too, it has served me well for 44 years and I want a loving reminder of this JOURNEY that God and I are taking for YEARS to come.
I really do thank God for the out come and I want to be able to look at this pillow and know that GOD can and does bring me through anything. I don’t really care how big it is, I will ask that you make it out of the Red and Black fabric that I included in the package.
I bought this fabric about a Year ago cause I loved it so much it is from Africa I believe, wasn’t sure why I bought it, Now I know. God is always on the job no matter what. You can make it any shape you like, I think I am sending more than enough fabric but if you need more let me know.
Thank you so much for doing this for me, it means the world to me. I love you very much, and I know that God’s love is so much greater still.
Your Loving Son
First Chemotherapy Session

January 10-24, 2007
Allen here, wanted to take some time to tell you, I love you and thank you for all your prayers and treatments over the last while. I feel the love and support in my very BONES.
Yesterday was one GREAT day, I had a colon check up yesterday before I start the Chemotherapy today, and a HUGH PRAISE all is clear and no need to check again for 5 years. This is great news. I can honestly say that the prep work was the hardest part of the process.
I have been blessed over the last few months to have Angels with me in the Flesh watching over me. This week it is in the form of MY ERNEST. Last night he made me Salmon Patties, Cheese Grits and Shrimp for Dinner. NOT to mention the BEST home made CHEESE Cake a man could hope to have.
Thank you for the HOME cooked meal and Your presents. I love you!!!!
Those of you who know me, know that I can at time be a bit Particular about things. Not to mention my journey with letting love in. I am reminded of the song the Mass Choir sings We let the LOVE wash over us, We let, We let it be. I feel the love of God with each and every person in my life. I feel that ONENESS that we so often talk about, and I wanted to say a BIG HUGH THANK YOU to all my ANGELS.
From the trips to the Dr. Office, Surgery, Meals, HUGS, Prayer, Treatments, VISITS from out of town friends, and over all LOVE. This is a blessed experience. Thank you God for the Joy of Choice and how I choose to look at Life.
Today is Chemotherapy day, my choice for the day is to allow the love of GOD in!! I get to receive the Love of God from each Technician that touches me, Every Drop of Chemotherapy that enters my body. The Joy of have my family with me today, some in Spirit, some in FLESH, and ALL in PRAYER.
I love each and every one of you, and I know who you are. I Thank God for you! And so it is.
Your Brother, and Friend
Good morning my wonderful family;
I am so very blessed, Ernest and I met a great many faces of GOD yesterday. The best part is we both felt the love from everyone and everywhere. We starting in the Billing office and that when really well. Then the woman who checks my Blood Count each week is a Total HOOT. I love her Spirit.
Then off to see Dr. Knopf, who went over what all was going to happen yesterday and answer any questions that I or Ernest had. Then off for the Infusion of Chemotherapy.
On Sunday while at church, I felt spirit speak to me and tell me that as I am taking the Chemotherapy I am to look at it and say "I allow the Healing Love of God in." That is just what I did all day yesterday. The Nurses and staff were very please with my Infusion. We started at 10:30 and I finished last night at 5:00, we had more God stuff to pick up from the Pharmacy. Ernest and I were home by 6:30.
I was able to eat a turkey sandwich yesterday and one of the staff had made COOKIES, you know how I hate those. So I had one Cookie as well. Last night I was able to have another sandwich then off to bed to rest.
I wanted to write all of you today and tell you that I felt every DROP of LOVE that you sent yesterday going into my veins. I know that GOD sent each and every one of you into my life, and I am so grateful. I am happy to be sitting up and able to write this email this morning. GOD IS A GOOD GOD ALL THE TIME!!!!!!
I am off to get some rest but wanted each of you to know How much I love you and thank you for your thoughts and prayers.
Love your Brother and Friend
1/12/07 (Personal Journal)
I thought I would check in to talk about the last week of events. Ernest got here on Sunday of last week and it is so good to have him here. I have felt so safe knowing he is here to go to Chemotherapy with me. Sunday when he got here we went shopping and he bought me this really cool suit. I wanted him to have a ring of mine like I did with Richard. These two are the most amazing friends a man can hope to have.
On Monday, I had to do the prep for the colon check which showed that I was in great shape there and no need for another check up for 5 years. Thank God. The prep work was the worst part of the process. Mark came by to see me as well. It was so good to see him. I am one blessed man when it comes to friends. Over the last year I have really looked at the love and friendship I have in my life. Thank you God for all the great friends that bring such joy, and love into my life.
Tuesday was the Colon day and then Ernest, Shawn and I had Dinner together, which was really great. We had grits, Shrimp and Salmon patties. They were GREAT. Thank you Ern.
Wednesday got up and had a big breakfast before heading off to the Dr. for Chemotherapy. First day was a bit full and I really do recommend doing it all in one day.
Blood Draw first to check my blood count.
Meeting with Dr. Knopf.
Then Chemotherapy time, it took seven hours to load all the medicine in. God gave me this mantra to keep saying. I allow the love of God in. I kept looking at the bag of I V fluid and saying that over and over again. It really helps.
After the Chemotherapy was all done we had to go and pick up my medicine from the pharmacy. I was a bit tired by this point and was a bit irrigated. We got it done and got home and had a good meal.
I have been taking my Anti Nashua medicine and doing well. I feel a bit queasy from time to time but they say to stay ahead of the game. I would agree.
Ern, and I went out today and I have to be honest it was a bit too much. I had a great time but it really wore me out QUICK. Rest is the key and getting lots of liquids.
That is about it for today.
Hello Family;
I love you always Allen
Greeting Earth Angels; Yesterday I had a visit with the Oncologist, they check my blood to make sure I am good for the next round of Chemo. If they need to adjust me they have shots they can give to boost, lower, etc. I am Happy in being able to say that my Blood work was GREAT, noting needed. The Dr. was very happy about this as well. We talked about the next month of treatment and how life could change with food and energy. I am knowing that God has this as well. I bless it, LOVE IT, and send it on it's way. Here is the Schedule for the next week. Friday I see a Dermatologist to have some skin tags removed and to check to make sure my skin it nice and healthy. Tuesday I see my Dentist and have some Dental work done. Make sure the Fluoride I am using turning the Chemo is working. Thursday I am off to Chemo # 2. I found out yesterday that I will have treatments through the end of April and then have another Pet Scan to make sure the Cancer is getting smaller and the Chemo is working. From the looks of my neck the Dr. feels and I do as well that it is working already. Got to love the LOVE JUICE from GOD!!!! Well, Angels I will check in with you next week after Chemo to let you know how WONDERFUL I am doing, until then know you are LOVED, surrounded with LIGHT, and BLESSED!!! Your Friend Allen 1/24/07 Hello Family; Well, I was reminded yesterday that I have a Choice in my Hair Lost, WHEN. So I chose yesterday and today to feel myself of all hair with the exception of my Beard. I am going to keep that about another week or so and then off it comes as well. Through out this process I have found it healing for me to take pictures of the process. So here are the hairless ones. I love you All
New Year Eve
Good Morning God.
The last couple days I have been in a place that I thought were sadness. I couldn’t quiet put my finger on it. I feel so blessed and happy. I have been really thinking a great deal about my friendships. The not knowing what was going on with one of my friends,was weighing heavy on my mind. Not so much their actions, but instead asking where does this show up in my life.
I was really hurt that my friend took themselves away from me, but when I thought about the fact that I too have done this. I begin to focus more on their needs than mine. This was not an easy task. I am grateful today all the same. Thank you for the growth. Last night when I was on the way to the choir party, I took the time to call my friend and tell them that I loved them.
I don’t understand why I chose to feel separation when I know that in God there is NONE. When I stepped into that realization the hurt vanished. I could just love my friend no matter how it looked right now. I also realized it was FEAR. Fear that I thought I couldn’t count on them. Fear of being alone and in need, once again I felt the hand of God and know that I am NEVER alone.
I have been clearing out my closet and home of things that no longer serve me. I am so abundant. Thank you God. Thank you for the reading in the living the Science of Mind. What great life lessons are there for the living.
Christmas Day - 28 Meeting with Oncologist
Merry Christmas God and Happy Birthday Jesus.
What a great day to be alive. Thank you for getting me up this morning and having use of my body and joints. Thank you for Richard and his visit, and just letting him be here with me. It is great God.
I got up and called Lori to sing her Happy B day. I wonder if she knows how lucky she is to have the same birthday as Jesus? We talked for about an hour. That was nice. Ernest called me always there and always so loyal. I love you Ernest .
Called my Mom and Dad so good to hear their voices as well. God I am such a blessed man, I still have my parents and they are still together. What a testament to you.
Waiting for Richard to get up so we can talk about what we are going to do today. Thank you for being here my friend. I love you.
What a great day to be alive.
Thank you God.